Far Cry 5 - REVIEW | FPS | Action | Adventure | Shooter Games | Rack Nerve

Since Far Cry 3, one of my favourite things to do in video games has been sneaking through outposts and eliminating enemies one by one. I'm happy to report that systematically taking down murderous thugs is just as much fun in rural America as it is in the Himalayas, and that Far Cry 5 is yet another great game in Ubisoft's open-world series. It may sound like it's playing a familiar tune, but all of these combat, physics, and wildlife systems combine to create unexpected moments of intense and hilarious action.

This time, you take on the role of a sheriff's deputy as part of a task force sent into the fictitious Hope County, Montana. Rural America may not be as exotic or exciting a playground as a tropical island or a remote mountain, but it's a vast open world where things are constantly blowing up, wild animals are pouncing, and an endless supply of cultists are lining up to be your target practise. Hope County's mountains, valleys, plains, forests, rivers, lakes, and caves ensure that there is never a dull moment.

Far Cry 5 - REVIEW | FPS | Action | Adventure | Shooter Games | Rack Nerve

Being stranded and hunted by well-armed militia was a very cool moment.

Far Cry 5 is a nice-looking game with a lot of scenery and action, but it's not on the same level as, say, Horizon: Zero Dawn. Even when compared to another recent open-world Ubisoft game, it's not as appealing as Assassin's Creed Origins. It's generally adequate, but the pop-in caused by the density of the landscape distracted me at times. Even on the PS4 Pro, it's difficult not to notice all of the magically appearing trees as you walk through the forest. In fact, aside from the resolution on a 4K TV, there isn't much of a difference between the PS4 and the Pro.

You can also count the number of distinct cultist goon faces on one hand, so expect to be shooting the same faces repeatedly. Long load times – up to 60 seconds – on both PS4 and PS4 Pro, a couple glitched missions I had to restart, and the one time Far Cry 5 completely froze on me round out my technical complaints.

This dark corner of Montana is ruled by a zealot leader named Joseph Seed, who hasn't left the same impression on me as Vaas or Pagan Min did in the previous two Far Cry games. He doesn't say anything memorable, and his motivation for wanting to end the world is unclear. However, the story concludes in an unforgettable location, making this an open-world adventure worth completing.

Far Cry 5 - REVIEW | FPS | Action | Adventure | Shooter Games | Rack Nerve

For the first time in a Far Cry game, you can choose between a male and female protagonist and do some light customization. Unfortunately, it's only a cosmetic choice, as your character will be mute (no custom voice acting) and most people will refer to you as "The Deputy." And, for a series as insane as Far Cry, the customization options are a little limited. More are unlocked as you progress, so it's not as bad as it appears at first, but they're few and far between, and rarely more than a shirt or jeans. The one exception is a Far Cry Primal-style caveman/woman outfit, which is entertaining and I wish there was more of it. But, because this is a first-person shooter, you won't see much of yourself in the campaign... unless you die a lot.

The vibe is like an '80s action movie that happens to be set in a conservative state.
While the majority of the original soundtrack is fairly standard action movie fare that you might hear on an episode of 24, the menu music is a very pleasant bit of acoustic Americana that I would listen to even if I wasn't playing. The cult choir also sings a few original gospel songs that are both catchy and creepy.

Is Far Cry 5 a particularly political game? No, I don't believe so. There are a few examples of commentary on rural America's relationship with guns and the Second Amendment, and I've come across one character who is a satire of a stereotypical Trump supporter (he has a mission called Make Hope Great Again). However, the story does not appear to make any grand statements about current events or political ideologies. The tone is more akin to a '80s action film set in a conservative state. Rural America isn't mocked or laughed at here. Instead of relying on stereotypes, the people you meet are well-written, and the majority of them are charismatic and funny.

Far Cry 5 - REVIEW | FPS | Action | Adventure | Shooter Games | Rack Nerve

That story takes place on an open-world map that, in typical Ubisoft fashion, is jam-packed with so much to discover and so much going on at any given time that it's easy to become distracted from the mission at hand. That's not a criticism; I enjoy games with a wide range of possibilities. One of my most amusing moments was when I rescued a woman who was being held hostage by the cult and, as she was thanking me, a wolverine jumped on her face out of nowhere and mauled her to death. I tried, believe me.

I like games with big possibility spaces.

To find lucrative treasure stashes, some light environmental puzzle solving is required in addition to combat. The goods are locked away in a shed high up on stilts overlooking a lake in one of these sidequests, Long Shot Lockpick. The quest's name is the clue, and after swimming to the other side of the lake, you'll find a sniper perch just right for peering through a back window in the shed at the lock, which can be shot off, granting you access. It's not The Witness, but these simple challenges allow for quiet moments of reflection in the midst of the chaos.

While Far Cry's emergent gameplay formula remains addictive, there is some repetition. The tasks you must complete, the weapons you can use, and the now-cliche supernatural dream sequences are all so similar to Far Cry 3 and 4 that there aren't many surprises in store. Far Cry 5 is still a lot of fun to play, and the brutal combat is always satisfying no matter where you are (thanks in part to the amusingly unrealistic ragdoll death animations), but it doesn't feel like a revelation because it doesn't do much to distinguish itself.

Far Cry 5 - REVIEW | FPS | Action | Adventure | Shooter Games | Rack Nerve

The main quest has a slightly different structure in that you must first find and eliminate Joseph Seed's three lieutenants (his siblings). Each has control over a specific area of Hope County, and in order to reach them, you must accumulate Resistance Points by liberating outposts, freeing captives, and otherwise killing their vibe. It's a fun progression system that provides a constant visual cue of your progress as you watch the resistance metre slowly fill. It also offers a "video game-like" path through several bosses on your way to the final boss. Hope County is truly open, and you can go through the three different areas and bosses in whatever order you want.

I don't expect any of these leaders will be remembered like Far Cry 3's Vaas.
The four cult leaders each have distinct personalities and recruitment strategies, making them ideal villains. Faith Seed, the only female boss, is probably the most intriguing, as she uses a drug called Bliss to induce hallucinations in her victims, which end up being some of the most visually interesting moments in Far Cry 5. By the end of his arc, Jacob Seed had also won me over. He's an ex-soldier who doesn't necessarily believe his leader speaks to God, but who is willing to cull the herd and exterminate anyone he perceives as weak. But I doubt any of these leaders will be remembered in the same way that Far Cry 3's Vaas is, because they're not visually interesting and, while much of the writing is good, the villains lack quotable zingers.

Another notable difference is that, while Far Cry has always been – and continues to be – primarily about playing as a one-man (or woman) army, you spend less time alone in this game than in previous games. More NPC allies await, all of whom are well-written and acted. My favourite is Hurk, a bazooka-wielding country boy whose appearance is almost certainly inspired by Kenny Powers, and he is simply hilarious – one of the funniest video game characters in a long time. He appeared as a pre-order bonus character and DLC in Far Cry 3 and 4, respectively, but it's great to see him integrated into the main game this time.

My favorite companion is a bazooka-toting country boy.

Then there's the Gun for Hire system, which allows for companionship as well as new combat options. Nine different Specialists can be recruited, providing assistance in the form of air support, long-range sniper shots, or even animals that will hunt and terrorise your enemies for you. For example, if you sufficiently disrupt an enemy area, its boss will send planes to find and destroy you, which can be very inconvenient when you're trying to sneak into an outpost. However, if you recruit pilot Nick Rye to your side, he will follow you wherever you go in his plane and will automatically attack whomever you attack, as well as be ordered to shoot down enemy planes. It's quite useful.

I like how the crafting system has been toned down slightly so that you don't have to spend as much time tediously gathering leaves and branches. Similarly, hunting is being downplayed because animal skins are no longer required resources for upgrading equipment. Instead, you earn Perk Points by completing challenges such as completing a certain number of assault rifle kills, travelling a certain distance in your wingsuit, or skinning animals, and you can spend those points on anything you want. I like how this system allows for more progression flexibility and regularly rewards you with points just for playing normally.

Speaking of the wingsuit, I hardly ever used it because there are so many other ways to get airborne now. In contrast to Far Cry 3 and 4, planes and helicopters abound in Hope County. It's nice to order a helicopter and fly to your destination via the scenic route. Once you've arrived, the extra firepower can be useful as well.

Far Cry 5 - REVIEW | FPS | Action | Adventure | Shooter Games | Rack Nerve

The entire story can also be played cooperatively with a real-world friend, which takes Far Cry 5 to a whole new level of insane. Two players cause twice the chaos, and it's a lot of fun to galavant around Montana with a friend, leaving destruction in your wake. It's a bummer that only the host player will receive credit for mission completion. The guest will have to complete them on their own (or go through again as host).

Two players generate twice as much chaos.
Far Cry Arcade, an entirely new mode separate from the campaign where you can create your own levels, adds to the replayability of Far Cry 5. It intends to keep you playing long after you've cleared out the Hope County map, but in its current state, it's a bit of a letdown if you want to play rather than create. The editing tools are extensive, and a variety of mission types can be created, but this isn't something you can just sit down with and create your own level. It will take time, patience, and actual level design skills to create something worth playing.

As a result, much of what is currently available to play in Far Cry Arcade is boring and inane. There is a level called Resident Evil 7 that recreates the horror game's mansion, but all you do is walk around the outside of it. Another is Ragdolltest, in which you must eliminate 216 slowly spawning enemies on a barebones map – oh, and you're invincible, so there's no challenge.

At launch, there are a few fun levels available, the majority of which were created by Ubisoft's developers. There's a prison break level, for example, about breaking out of jail with no health regeneration. I see the potential for a steady flow of new Far Cry content here, but it will take dedicated and talented creators to make it happen.

Other Ubisoft games, such as Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed Unity, and Far Cry Primal, have assets in the Arcade. However, the assets available are unlikely to be what you were hoping for, and the majority are unrecognisable. For example, you can add branches, bone piles, or a bloodied rock to Primal. There were no woolly mammoths, sabre-toothed tigers, or cave people. That seems like a missed opportunity to let us go completely insane.

The Verdict

Far Cry 5 is another wide-open playground with all the ingredients for a real ruckus: a plethora of enemies and allies, volatile wildlife, and plenty of explosions. Despite the craziness, it manages to tell a serious story with respectable characters and a powerful ending, though it isn't the most memorable in the series. The successful transition from exotic locales to America's backyard has piqued my interest in seeing where the Far Cry formula goes next.

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